Thursday, June 14, 2012

Practice What You Preach

Wow, I can't believe it is Thursday, oh how the time flies by when you are playing catch up. I'll make this short and sweet; the Endeavor Games were amazing to watch and learn, but not really satisfactory for me shooting wise.

I have some great excuses for why I did not shoot well, but it all came down to, "I didn't shoot well." I am taking my own advise, I am doing what I told all of you that read my blogs, "Assess and Move On."

As I sat in my plane seat working on items for my clients, I found myself thinking of what I did right at the shoot; notice I wrote, "what I did right." After my list had more than 20 or so items of success on it I started to think of what I could have done better or might need to change in the future (shooting wise and travel wise.)

When I got back home, I did something completely opposite of what I use to do, meaning, if I shot badly, I would come home and devised a painful and very lengthy training schedule to figure out what I did wrong. However this time, I took time off (said with a smile on my face and light hearted "no worries" attitude) and focused on work, which I had plenty of.

Last night I had leagues with the St. Cloud Archers Association (1/2 900 round; four days since I looked at my bows) and you know what, I shot relaxed, with a smile, I even laughed when between ends; next thing I knew we were done and I had shot my average again and I was happy.

"Practice What You Preach," I "Took Five," I realized "It's Okay, It's Just You," "Assessed and Moved On" and that brought me to my good/great shooting again; not to mention a new relaxed drive inside me to get things done.

"Practice What You Preach" success comes from many set backs and dare I say, from some very  unenjoyable moments; but learn from them and successes are right there in front of you.

Today, "Practice What You Preach!"

Always Sitting Always in Motion



  1. You are great, Aaron. Is it cold in here or did you just give me the goosebumps? Mwah!

    1. Thank you Amy, I really enjoy getting the responses; it makes me feel alive! Miss you my friend.
