Thursday, April 26, 2012

2012 Trials Day 3, Stress to Success

Hello friends and readers, well yesterday turned out to be a very stressful yet unbelievably successful day. Tuesday, I was told that my spotting scope (allows me to se at a quick glance where my arrows are) was not within regs; so I was going to have to fix it, not use it, or shoot under an official warning.

So, my dad, who arrived on Tuesday night, thank goodness as without his help I would be physically exhausted by now, were going to have to create a whole new system that allows me to utilize this very important piece of equipment.

Wednesday we went to Home Depot, and with the help of four very excited employees we created a system we thought would work. Unfortunately, it didn’t. So, after the equipment inspection (which I passed minus the scope) and after a very good practice my father and I set out to find a solution to the situation.

Nelson Photo to the rescue! Just before their closing time my dad runs in and explains the situation, and as I got in there they basically locked the door behind us and came up with a great solution, (they worked with us for an hour.)

Now, it’s Thursday, morning as I write this we are getting ready to leave and all I am feeling right now is success for the day. I can’t wait to show off my new system.

Thank goodness, for Home Depot, and bless Nelson Photo of Little Italy, San Diego, CA.

Do me a favor and “Like” both of them on FB; if you can, write a special note of gratitude, you might not ever get to these two stores here in San Diego, CA., but you can let them know how they changed my life from stress to success.

Stay tuned for today’s shooting report.

Always Sitting Always in Motion


1 comment:

  1. Hurray for finding a solution. Kudos to you, your dad, Home Depot and Nelson Photos.
    Best of luck through the week.
